
Thursday, April 17, 2003

"why are you in despair, oh my soul? why oh soul are you disturbed within me?"

have you ever just been overwhelmed with a sense of sadness even though you know how you ought to be feeling? i've been trying daily to come up with new approaches to "consider it all joy" and most days it works ok... but today, i feel a blanket of sadness fall over me. if i think long and hard enough about it, i'm sure i'll be able to find some probable cause, but in the end, if its really all just perspective, and "trusting in God's promise," then i should be able to have His power to overcome, right? prayer is indeed powerful... and i must say that i need more than ever to rely on the power of prayer... and to be fully convinced of His promises because of His power at work in me to believe....

"...hope in God for i shall again praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God...."
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Wednesday, April 16, 2003

"... though my flesh may be destroyed, yet with my eyes, i will see God..."

that song has been in my mind lately... and with all that is going on, it is a comfort that almost brings tears to my eyes. yesterday's devotions in hebrews class talked yet again about faith... and believing... trusting in God's promises despite circumstances. it was a good reminder because sometimes i think my "dancing in the rain" attitude, if its birthed by "pulling myself up by the bootstraps," will end in weariness and despair. i think it was a timely reminder that it is the promises of God that will sustain--a trust, a faith, in that is indeed my only hope. my roommate and best friend of many years told me today that she may be leaving sooner than i had anticipated. i must believe that even still, God is good and that God will provide... God is good... and He will provide...

"...for i know that my redeemer lives and i will stand with Him on that day...."
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Monday, April 14, 2003

guess what happened saturday night?


yep. my third car accident in two months.
this is turning into quite the "accident report"... perhaps i should retitle my blog accordingly. hmm....

seriously, the string of "bad stuff" happening has gotten to a point where its comical. really, what can you do about it?

the dark cloud over me is here to stay for a while, it seems... and if i really believe that its all about perspectives, then its time to take my shoes off and start dancing in the rain rather than to just let the rain ruin my days...

"so i'm gonna dance.... i'm gonna snap my fingers all night long and dance..."
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