
Tuesday, May 17, 2005

i would like to write a poem about you but
for some strange reasons, no words will come
its not for lack of shared experiences or
romance-inspired emotions

who tells me the way they feel as openly as you do and make me laugh the way you do and make me smile just at the thought of your smile and can turn running through a rain storm on a spring day into a scene out of a movie who can provide a new soundtrack of positivity into my mind and inspire a new dance in my steps

and the little that i have/felt
with you is more real than
anything previous. i'm excited
nervous, scared but still at ease because

you are that easy

yet i still don't believe that it is real because it seems too good to be true. you seem too good to be true.

perhaps since melancholy is drives good poetry
for me and there is no melancholy with you
i can't write a poem for you.

... until you break my heart which i hope you would not do like you said you would never do.
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