
Friday, May 02, 2003

i believe in the power of prayer... or do i?

i've always thought i did, but i guess this past week, i've learned all the more what that means... there are certain things in your life that you really have no control over. from things like the weather, to singleness, to car accidents... i feel like, yeah... i'm well acquainted with those...

but then for some reason, i'm not sure if its the control freak in me... or the prideful "helper" in me... there are still times when i try to "fix" things. i think its hard to balance a desire to serve God with knowing that He is God... two real life situations in the last week has shown me this:

on the ministry end: we had a sleepover a week ago with the women in the college group... the leaders. and i have to confess that it has been a difficult thing working with them. not to say that they're difficult, but the circumstances surrounding being new in the group and appointed as the leader at the same time... there are just difficulties... (blog for another day). anyway... i prayed about that night quite a bit more out of fear and uncertainty as to what will happen than really trusting and believing that God will do what God will do that night. but He did... (more to come... and the conclusion as well... )

in the mean time, i just want to reiterate... prayer is powerful... and i think God honors them because He wants us to know that He is God and we are not....
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