
Monday, January 31, 2005

how much should you trust your gut?

a bit of an ironic topic to be blogging about, seeing as this blog is named "visceral intuition." the gut is an interesting thing... from it, you "sense" things... but it is so very close to where the heart is, that sometimes you're not sure if its the gut... or your heart... and if its your heart, how much can you trust? isn't the heart deceptive and wicked to a certain extent? and your gut... how do you know its not just indigestion?

i was flipping through some of my old blogs last night... a bit of a journey down emotional memory lane. i have a visceral intuition about something that i've been contemplating as of late, yet better judgment would advise against the mere consideration of it.

and where does wise counsel come in? how much do you trust your friends with their limited judgment on the situation? and how much do you trust your own sense? is it arrogant to proceed? is it stubborn? and if you don't proceed even with such a strong sense, are you being a man pleaser rather than trusting the possible leading of the Holy Spirit?

oh, there are so many thoughts and options to this. and hopefully more will unfold this weekend... or maybe not. wow, this post has been invariably vague... but i'm not sure what details i can go into except that i do need to trust this whole situation entirely in the hands of the Lord... and i have... and i hope to be able to continue in that. i pray that God will continue to clarify the situation as it unfolds, but i would love to explore possibilities... i wonder if he would.

... today, i thank God that He's a God who can change hearts... and that He has the hearts of kings in His hands... He can turn it wherever He pleases.

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