
Friday, October 14, 2005

storm arriving faithfully after the calm...

life is good. things have been smooth sailing with adam... almost too smooth, if you ask me. you know... its like that uncomfortable calm before the storm. you know that its inevitable (as much as i'm trying not to be pessemistic...)

the beginning storm clouds arrived yesterday. thankfully, not in the form of direct trials in our relationship. unfortunately, its the failing health of my mother. my mom has been diagnosed with cancer -- colon for sure, and maybe liver and pancreas. they will find out more after the surgery that is scheduled for 7:30 monday morning. please pray for her. she's a strong woman and i know that she finds favor in the sight of God. i just pray that she would not suffer too much pain during this process.

and for me... well. there are a lot of decisions to be made. i found out a few weeks ago that my job here in chicago (which was the only think keeping me here) will be ending in december. but now, i have a condo and a boyfriend which complicates things. i'm so thankful for a strong relationship that allows me the confidence to do what i need to do to support and care for my mom, but it is also a strange thought to leave adam behind. while i'm confident that God will not give us more than we can handle, it is still not easy. please pray that God would give us wisdom to know how best to handle this situation and that He would continue to strengthen our relationship in Him.

its kinda crazy to see everything unfolding, but God's timing is perfect. in each thing... finding out a few weeks ago about my job... to knowing a bit more certainly where things are with me and adam last weekend... to hearing about my mom... to possibly finding a subletter and work in california. i know that He does all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

... today, i'm thankful for His provision in the way He times things and gently leads each step of the way...
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