
Wednesday, April 16, 2003

"... though my flesh may be destroyed, yet with my eyes, i will see God..."

that song has been in my mind lately... and with all that is going on, it is a comfort that almost brings tears to my eyes. yesterday's devotions in hebrews class talked yet again about faith... and believing... trusting in God's promises despite circumstances. it was a good reminder because sometimes i think my "dancing in the rain" attitude, if its birthed by "pulling myself up by the bootstraps," will end in weariness and despair. i think it was a timely reminder that it is the promises of God that will sustain--a trust, a faith, in that is indeed my only hope. my roommate and best friend of many years told me today that she may be leaving sooner than i had anticipated. i must believe that even still, God is good and that God will provide... God is good... and He will provide...

"...for i know that my redeemer lives and i will stand with Him on that day...."
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