
Friday, October 07, 2005

so i married off yet another roommate...

on october 1, 2005, sara ehlinger became sara hyun, wife of peter hyun...

are they just precious? thankfully, it was not nearly as difficult as i had imagined. sara has been a wonderful roommate and friend for the past few years, and God had brought her along at the perfect time to encourage and come along side of me. there has been so many transitions in the last few years and while they are at times remarkably difficult, God has always sovereignly provided what i needed at the perfect time. even though there are more changes coming down the pike, God has ever so graciously provided me with a man who has been ever the constant friend and loves me just as i am.

aren't we cute? :o)
i know i know... barf. i'm just so thankful for a relationship that i can count on and one that i know is blessed by God. changes may continue to come, but i KNOW i can look to God to provide and be my guidance.... come what may. i just want to be faithful to this truth and rely on Him no matter what life may throw me next.
you guys are really cute. :)
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