
Wednesday, September 07, 2005

yesterday marked the "official" third month of the most pleasant reality i have lived to date. as i was walking with adam through the tunnel to the beach, i glanced over at him and jokingly said, "maybe i'm in a coma since i still have not woken up from this very pleasant dream yet." sometimes i still have a difficult time resting on the reality of this blessing. i think the reason it is so amazing is because it IS real. perhaps it is my arrogance and the arrogance of poets and thinkers to think that what they can conjure up in their minds is better than reality. this is the first time i've ever thought of it that way, but it's true. as if my God cannot give me a reality that He has dreamt up better than one that is in my mind. what audacity.

... and when i say you are better than my dreams, this is what i mean.

i have never loved reality
more than i love it now
the reality of you is better
than any potential i could
have conjured up in my mind.

i have been wary of
all things tangible
for fear of disappointment
and how it competes with
the images of perfection
in my mind.

for once
it is safe to say that
what you are is far better
(and more real)
than the images in my mind

and the poetic nostalgia
of shelley's ideals
how the actualized is always a failure
in comparison to the potential is false.
perhaps he has never experienced the
blessing of love and the bliss of mutual delight
a satisfaction of body, mind, and soul
all wrapped up in the tangible package of you.

i love the reality of you

... today, i'm thankful that my God blesses with reality... with tangibility. and what He desires and wills to give is indeed better than what we could ever ask for or imagine.
Ah...Shelley's ideals & actualization...this was a beautiful and raw post.

The thoughts of a dreamer surprised by reality...is this possible?!! : )
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