
Thursday, July 21, 2005

the Lord, our Helper

isn't that the craziest title for God... ever? there's in our human language a stigma attached to the concept of help. there's a pejorative connotation in the phrase "the help."

God has been ever the faithful Helper to me lately. a part of me feels that its almost irreverent to call Him that, but its biblical. Scripture time and time again refers to Him as our helper. lavely, i've been exhausted and have so much to do that i'm not even sure how it will all get done, but He has indeed been so faithful to sustain my spirit and my energy. i've been lacking sleep, but He's just lifted me up, waking me in the mornings with enough "umph" to get out of bed feeling (relatively) refreshed.

i walked with my roommate to the train this morning and we talked about this girl that we know who's struggling with anorexia. the disturbing thing is that she thinks she is hearing directly from God to not eat and to suffer. it so crazy that her mind is that far gone. it is so sad because these are ungodly things that she's attributing to God. anyway, as we were talking about that and something related to our conviction over finances, a sense of thankfulness washed over me as i am just incredulous as to HOW MUCH i take for granted. God has given us the Holy Spirit to testify to our spirit that we are His. He has so amazingly provided us with wisdom and guidance. this holy God of the universe calls Himself our Helper. i'm not sure how much more humble He could be and how humbling that is. sometimes as conservative Christians, i sometimes neglect to praise and thank the Holy Spirit. but He is God... and His role of not wanting to be on "front street" but to be our Helper is just incredibly amazing.

another connection in concept of helper that floors me is that the Bible uses the same word to talk about how God created the woman for the man with such a purpose. what an incredible privelege that is, to be able to be an immitator of God in humility in coming along side someone we love in that capacity. too often, i think i take paul's exhortation concerning the role of the wife to submit to the husband to not fully fulfill my potential as the helper. in fear of usurping authority, i tend to neglect my job to gently bring things to the attention of my boyfriend. despite that, adam (my boyfriend) often tells me how much of a help i am to him. i'm just thankful for the privelege to be a helper and for the amazing way in which God has so intricately "fitted" me to be a helper to adam at this point in our lives.

i'm getting ready to take off for a missions trip in poland. i'm excited to see what God will do there... and i know that He is indeed my Helper and Comforter, my most soveriegn Lord God.

... today, i'm so incredibly grateful for the Holy Spirit... for His work in my heart... for reminding me that He is God, and He is our help and comfort. may i be ever conformed to the likeness of Him....
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