
Friday, May 06, 2005

seems like sense has returned... thank the Word

God is so gracious to me. He really doesn't have to answer as quickly as He does, but He did. no no... not in settling the "status" with the boy (although that would be nice), but simply helping me to regain my sanity regarding the boy. Scripture is amazingly poignant and healing in this matter. passages that i had memorized in the past or know of came to rebuke, correct and exhort me.

its amazing how the Holy Spirit can bring to mind Scripture and knit it together to just work your heart over. these were the verses God used on my heart this week:

dear Father, your Word is truly amazing. i forget sometimes... i forget sometimes how powerful it is and how it has the power to change hearts and minds. thank you so much for helping me to get my emotions under control a bit... that is totally your grace. and i pray, Lord that as i proceed, that i would have your glory and your will at the forefront of my mind and know that you will bless and honor if it is what you deem good. and i do not want to value anything that you have not deemed good. help me to value what you value and love what you love.

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