
Friday, March 18, 2005

resolve takes faith

a friend of mine said made an observation about me. i let things "get to me" too much. that's not news, but i guess what i came away with was a bit "new." i was emotional over something i cannot control. in the name of being "responsive" and flexible, i allow others to dictate my emotions by their actions and circumstances. while that is an extension of my personality (my responsiveness), i must weed out the parts of it that makes me waver and causes discouragement and emotional instability by being resolved to hold tightly to the faith i say i possess. if Christ is the solid rock on which i stand, i should not waver, walking by faith. If i believe that He is strong to deliver me safe, than His joy ought to be my strength. though my flesh may be destroyed, yet with my eyes i will see God. that sort of confidence in knowing that my Redeemer lives ought to sustain me through any circumstance. would i be resolved to excercize the sort of faith that saves that i possess and apply it to situations in my life that are so full of uncertainty... and still be able to say "oh Lord my heart is not lifted up, nor are my eyes raised to high for Thee... i do not think on things too great or marvelous, or on matters too difficult for me. for i have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child is my soul within me... oh israel, trust in the Lord from this time forth and forever..."

... today, i'm thankful for friends who share in struggles and can point me to Christ... and the music in my heart that reaffirms the theology by which i know i ought to live.
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