
Sunday, March 20, 2005

can't believe i'm still awake...

its only sunday night and i know that if i don't fall asleep soon, it's going to be a long week. but i'm buzzin' right now... maybe its from too many cups of creme brulee coffee at the poland meeting (that stuff is wicked good!) or from just having such a great day in the Lord... not sure which (maybe both?)

i've been convicted today by the simplicity of the gospel. i'm doing ee (evangelism explosion) and covering the gospel outline and we're also learning another version of it in our poland training meeting (oh, for those of you who don't know, i'll be going back to poland on a short terms missions trip, Lord willing... so you may be getting a prayer letter from me at some point, be forewarned ;o) ) it has been simply amazing how convicting those simple truths still are... the definition of sin, our relationship to God, the sublime and awe-inspiring wonder of grace... it makes me see my sin as it really is and makes me want to strive for something different. in light of good friday and resurrection sunday coming up, i'm thankful for the Spirit's conviction in my life through the gospel. jerry bridge's book, "the disciplines of grace" talks about this and its true... we must continue to preach the gospel to ourselves... it is not only the power of salvation... we need it for the process of sanctification... more than we could ever know.

... today, i'm thankful for the power that is in the gospel... it breath and depth is simply amazing. it is comprehensible to a four year old and confounding even to the greatest of theologians. today, i'm just thankful that therein lies conviction of sin and the forgiveness through grace... to sustain us through this messy messy life through which we tread. thanks Jesus, for allowing this truth to continue to "wash our feet."
Evangelism Explosion. Wow, I've never heard of that.

I think my e-mail address is in my blog profile now. No reason for you to harangue me about that again! :)
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