
Thursday, September 02, 2004

the flowers you sent are dying
a sweet and beautiful death
pinks and whites
differs from the van gogh
exotic daisies instead of european sunflowers

(and i'm lacking a certain passion and life that the flowers once displayed)

yet i do not want to part with them
but what they are is not what they were
and the reality of the now
does not even hint at its past glory

yet it reaks not with an aroma
asking for its disposal
it merely sits there, lifeless
falling apart.

-- 09.02.04

talk about bad poetry... sometimes you get inspired to write things in this form that is painful to read (because of how bad it is) after the fact... but hey, this is my blog... i can post bad poetry here! i'm not feeling much of it... even though the poem itself is so very melodramatic... i'm ok. its just that somehow, looking at something that has changed so much from something else can be quiet sad.

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