
Thursday, August 19, 2004

will all this be for naught? (pre-triathlon ponderings)

if you know me and talk to me, you probably know that i've been training like a maniac for the past, oh... over 21 weeks for an olympic distance tri. this saturday is the day of reckoning, and its not looking good. i'm not ready. i'm scared.

its been stinkin' cold here... unusually so... and the weather report says that its going to be 54 degrees with a chance of rain. would YOU want to do a triathlon in that kind of weather?

i'm fighting hard not to get discouraged and scared to even bother showing up and competing, and usually i see life situations as analogous to something in my spiritual life, but i'm drawing a blank on this one. how is it that i've spent so much of my time preparing for something that i may or may not be able to accomplish because it is weather dependant!?! (yet again, it goes back to how "varied" life can be based soley on weather). so... i'm not sure what to do, what to think, and yeah... how to proceed.

what really is in our control and what is not? and how can we continue to function in life when the things that are beyond our control affects what we do so much? what can we plan and how can we proceed as planned?

... today, i'm even more thankful for warm, sunny days (and rightly timed sunny days)... days like these make those all the more pleasant in contrast.

so did you run it?

Yeah, did you run it? How did it go? You have a public eagerly awaiting your next entry. :)
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