
Tuesday, April 13, 2004

its been a nice haitus from blogging for the last week or so... for me, blogging is often synonomous with thinking, and when there are things that are not really even worth thinking about (and thankfully it all worked out nicely timed with deadlines at work...), its good to not think too much.

the sadness, i'm glad to report, has dissipated some... and numbness has surfaced in its place. i'm not sure which one is worse, really... but numbness is easier to live with for sure.

numbness isn't very effective to fuel a blog, unfortunately... so until some semblance of emotion returns, i'm guessing entries will be infrequent.

i did get an interesting idea in terms of what to blog about yesterday... i was listening to a sermon on andy stanley's church's website... he did a series a while back about the body that my roommate alerted me to. he's really ranking up there as my favorite pastor... he is relevant without compromising the truth, and his depth and insight is well balanced with grace and exhortation. anyway... my thought was to blog about some of the messages i heard on that site. i may still do that, but today is already looking too busy to have that happen... but i'm thinking that will be my next "series" here.

till next time...
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