
Friday, March 26, 2004

sleep is good.

last night, i took a hot shower, jumped into bed and don't know what hit me until i woke up many hours later. sleep is such a great thing... and something i've gotten pretty used to living without. i get my "rush" from working out more than anything else, but after sleeping for 11 hours last night, i realized that maybe sleep is something i should invest in more often.

i've heard somewhere that dreams helps us to process things that we don't have time to process during the day. well... so much has been going on in my life and my mind lately that i haven't really had time to deal with, and so much that even if i had time to deal with, i wouldn't know what to do with it. so this week, i've been sleeping a lot. A LOT. and last night, was the culmination of the a lot.

i don't really even think i'm using sleep as escapism. its almost a form of waiting. sometimes, things just happen, and there's nothing you can do about it. angst build because you want things fixed... but sleep serves almost as a sort of novacaine. nothing really changes, but it often times provides a much needed breather that helps in regaining perspective. its like *take in deep breath* air somewhere out in nature. refreshing. when you're there, nothing is really as bad as it seems. that's usually the high i get from running a lot. and i haven't been running a lot lately. mmm... there's a thought. some people use prozac. maybe running and sleeping excessively could be a non-medical alternative.


maybe i should go home and try to get some more...

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