
Wednesday, March 24, 2004

life is interesting, to be certain... and so is timing. timing and perspective. both serve to somehow color reality.

there are times when it seems serendipitious for things to happen as they have... and believed that it has happened as it ought. and if i remain in that perspective, all is well. but then, you look back at the same situation and you see that it could be seen from a different perspective, and that perspective is a bit less "glorious."

i think a few posts ago, i've discovered and confessed of being an "attention junkie." its an odd thing because if you know me, i'm not the type to be in the center of attention in all situations (like my roommate tends to be). i think i just need to know that i am the center of a few people's attention, and that's good enough for me. for the last month or so, i have felt like i've been the center of someone's attention and all of a sudden, it seems, has been taken away almost serendipitiously. at first, with the timing of events, it seemed almost as if it were fate of some sort, but as i reconsider the situation, it almost seems as if i was no longer the center of attention because another "project" has superceded this one. it doesn't feel so good to feel reduced to a mere project.

but. that's how i feel at the moment. and it sucks. and distance makes it so that communication is almost impossible. yeah... maybe its something that i just have to let go and forget altogether.
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