
Tuesday, March 30, 2004



if "lack" is a God shaped void that points and drives us to be satisfied in Him, then it is built into us. it may be uncomfortable, but not a bad thing from which we ought to desire escape. our western sense of freedom coupled with our culture's desire for more has so clouded our appropriate view of lack, that we try to fill it with other things. these "other things" never satisfy. this isn't new. what's interesting is that we're always trying to find new ways to be free from that lack... but it is an impossible desire. we want to be freed from the obstacles that we imagine standing in the way of love, desire, fulfillment... acting as if there is something we can do to actually attain those things.

interesting discussion in class today about the letter to laodicea in (rev 3:14ff). the prof was talking about how the metaphor about the hot and cold is often used out of context. people often think that lukewarm is worse than even cold, when what the historical context tells us is that both hot and cold water are beneficial and useful. the exhortation to this church just really connected to what i've been thinking about...

"because you say, 'i am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,' and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, i advise you to buy from Me gold refine by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. those whom i love, i reprove and disciplinel therefore be zealous and repent." (rev 3:17-19)

it was the pride and self-sufficiency of this "doing pretty well" church that somehow neglected to see their need for God. somehow, their prosperity as a society and probably within the church caused them to feel a lack of need... and that their own successes has provided them a taste of "freedom from lack." i'm sure this church probably thought they were doing things for God... much like i was. but that spirit of freedom and independence is associated with what God calls lukewarm... a lack of regard and need for him.

all goes back once again to pride. pride that desires self-protection... pride that desires freedom from lack... and pride is what stands in stark contrast to the heart that God loves to bless... "for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble...."

"... will you extend me... will you extend me grace, just a little grace...."

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