
Wednesday, February 18, 2004

the desire of the man is for the woman, but the desire of the woman, is the desire of the man."
-- germaine de stael

desire is such an interesting concept. the first time i read the above quote, i was struck by how unbelievably accurate the phrase is. the last couple of days has caused me to think about this statement once again. the desire to be desired is sometimes so strong that it possess a drug-like effect. its really rather sad how emotions (dare i say female emotions to be specific) can be very easily manipulated by attention and feeling desired. such emotions puts a bounce in your step and a glow in your smile that is unlike any other. it makes you question all that you think you were certain of and wonder if life is meant to be thought of differently. its like a drug because once you've tasted of it, that you become insatiable, only wanting more. when you taste it again, memories of past euphoria enters your mind and there is nothing you wouldn't do to remain there. with any "up," there is inevitably a down. and when you step back in from the moment with withdrawls, it makes you question whether or not the crash is really worth the high it gives.

before my latest encounter with "desire/d," i was quite ready to throw in the towel. after watching misery and failed relationships of those around me and close to me, i was not really up for investing in something that will result in pain. two weeks later, i'm not quite sure what's hit me and why i was willing to let down my "ice queen" guard. maybe its time to but my brain back on and guards back up.
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