
Tuesday, June 17, 2003

has it been over a month since i've blogged? wow....

i've been doing a lot of writing (or at least have felt the pressures of writing) and the disappointment of previously lost blogs discouraged me from approaching this medium. but today, i'm feeling the need to write as a form of release.


i hate waiting. i hate the mind games that often comes in waiting... but both seem an all too inevitable part of interpersonal relationships. perceptions are strange things. you may "sense" something one way but when time passes and circumstances do not necessarily match your expectations, you tend to rethink and rethink... until nothing seems certain anymore. how i wish i had a more "aloof" personality! were that a part of my MO, i think i would not be so bothered by things in general (and things in particular).

maybe my mind is still too post-modern, and indeed, i don't trust my visceral intuition as often as i ought. or i'm just exhausted and in need of a good nap. maybe THAT'S it... oh, i'm not making any sense here, am i? here's to incoherence. over and out.
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